to Oct 10

Corporeal Revolts: Aesthetics and Narrative During the Forever Wars

Image by Francisco Jose Carrera Campos used under a Creative Commons 2.0 License

Image by Francisco Jose Carrera Campos used under a Creative Commons 2.0 License

[Panel postponed from the cancelled 2020 annual meeting]

When we gather in November 2020, we will be meeting in the immediate aftermath of 2020 U.S. presidential elections; it seems hard to imagine that there might be reason for celebration even if current President Donald Trump does not continue on to a second term. In the last three years, we have seen a significant intensification of imperial violence within U.S. borders, at the U.S.-Mexico border, and across the world as U.S. foreign policy has continued to destabilize further regions in Africa and Asia through its War on Terror. In January 2020, President Trump attempted to reactivate a full-fledged war with Iran and successfully expanded his travel ban, first implemented in 2017 (now, thirteen nations are on the list, nearly doubling it; the majority of them have significant Muslim populations). However, as scholars of U.S. empire well know, the policies enacted by the Trump Administration are not exceptional; rather, they emblematize the nation’s xenophobic, militaristic policing of the borders, which are linchpins of the U.S. imperial project. 

With such conditions as our immediate backdrop, the papers in this panel turn to contemporary fiction, poetry, and visual art by writers and artists marked by the violences of the U.S.-led War on Terror to “rethink political horizons, reimagine collective futures, and generate cultural practices that echo while extending insurgent peoples’ traditions.” We rely on Sohail Daulatzai and Junaid Rana’s assertion that “‘Terror’ talk is the new race talk — the terrorist … is the twenty-first-century way of saying ‘savage’” (“Left” 2015). We understand their claim as one that extends the colonial racial science that gave us the ‘savage’, but one that does so in a disguised form for much of the rhetoric of War on Terror functions under the sign of benevolence as it claims to save brown people, particularly brown women from brown men. Thus, in our panel, we seek to disrupt the notion that the U.S. settler state and its structures of governance need to be exported globally; indeed, by juxtaposing the experiences of those dispossessed by imperial violence both within and beyond U.S. national borders, our papers argue that those terrorized by the U.S. empire are always-already engaged in a revolt, fleeting as it may sometimes feel and indeed temporary as it may be. The creative works each panelist examines show the limits of citizenship, freedom, and the normative family when circumscribed within U.S. imperial ideologies; rather, each panelist’s arguments reveal that embodied knowledge of violence — within individual or community histories — can be fashioned as resource for combating state and extra-state violence. In this way, panelists highlight the necessity of art and narrative and their ability to bring immediacy and vibrancy that interrupts the cold, calculating, mechanistic function of the administrative state that authorizes the War on Terror as a forever and everywhere war.

Jay N. Shelat, University of North Carolina Greensboro
“The Spider and Its Shadow: Family and the Definition of Terrorism in Kamila Shamsie’s Burnt Shadows” 

Samina Gul Al, University of Miami
“Muslim Teens Revolt: Finding queer identity and community in Tanwi Islam’s Bright Lines”

Asimina Ino Nikolopoulou, Grinnell College
“'The Palace Burns’ in ‘Immesurable Memorium:’ Global Terror, Citizenship, and Memory in Kaveh Akbar’s ‘The Palace’ and Solmaz Sharif’s ‘Look’”

Neelofer Qadir, University of North Carolina Greensboro
The Power of Storytelling When Bombs Become Lullabies

Moustafa Bayoumi (chair), Brooklyn College
Ashvin R. Kini (discussant), Florida Atlantic University

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9:00 AM09:00

"What Does It Mean to Lose a Country? Notes from Kenya"

"What Does It Mean to Lose a Country? Notes from Kenya" takes up Peter Kimani's Dance of the Jakaranda (2017) and Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor's The Dragonfly Sea (2019) to consider how these texts index fraught belonging in Kenya in relation to the multip…

"What Does It Mean to Lose a Country? Notes from Kenya" takes up Peter Kimani's Dance of the Jakaranda (2017) and Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor's The Dragonfly Sea (2019) to consider how these texts index fraught belonging in Kenya in relation to the multiple Asian migrations to East Africa.

Join via Google Meet (find your time zone)

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12:30 PM12:30

BeyondProf Webinar: Starting Tenure Track Positions

BeyondProf Webinar - TT Transitions.png

Are you on the academic job market or planning to apply for jobs soon?

In this webinar, Neelofer Qadir, PhD (Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of North Carolina at Greensboro) will give you insight into the transition from PhD grad to faculty, and what life on the tenure-track is like in the first year.
After attending the webinar you will be able to:

• Be aware of transition timelines as you move into a faculty career;
• Successfully manage the transition into your new workplace;
• Create a strategy to navigate your new roles and responsibilities.

Webinar Registration

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to Mar 21

Rethinking Racial Capitalism: Labor, Caste, Dispossession

  • Sheraton Grand Hotel (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This seminar examines racial capitalism as a global phenomenon hinged on long, connected histories of dispossession and labor across diverse geographies and time periods. We take inspiration from Cedric Robinson’s pioneering Black Marxism, which emphasizes the tendency for capitalism “not to homogenize but to differentiate– to exaggerate regional, subcultural, and dialectical differences into racial ones.” Investigating how capital draws upon internal differences in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean better attunes us to otherwise obscured dynamics within and across the Global South. This view enables us to conceptualize how pre-colonial hierarchies, relatively autonomous systems of commodity exchange and circulation, and unfree labor regimes both interact with a globalizing capitalist mode of production and generate their own racial ideologies. What histories, archives, literatures, and methods can expand the vocabulary for racial capitalism to account for the specificities of diverse contexts? How do we apprehend the relationship between discourses of race, caste, casta and their articulation with labor and dispossession within the contemporary global capitalist order?

We wish to dialogue between foundational theories of racial capitalism and scholarship that complicates familiar genealogies of capitalism and race. Scholars such as Robinson, W.E.B. DuBois, C.L.R. James, and Eric Williams showed how race and capitalism constitute one another. Recent work across disciplines enlarges this perspective. Lisa Lowe, Shona Jackson, Glen Coulthard, Denise Ferreira da Silva, Paula Chakravartty, and Sumit Guha, among others, rethink political economy as entangled with not only race, but also caste, indigeneity, nationality and gender. This is especially illuminating when juxtaposed against earlier, polarized definitions of race, as an invention of scientific & biological thinking in the Atlantic World, and of caste, as an exceptional religious system in South Asia separate from political economy. In contrast, by exploring overlaps between race and caste, and the prevalence of race-thinking in premodern societies and non-European contexts, newer scholarship demonstrates how these different categories fuel capital accumulation and dispossession on a global scale. We strive to build on these conversations, contributing to da Silva and Chakravartty’s claim that the dispossession of racialized subjects from their land and labor is a central, ongoing feature of global racial capitalism.

  • Friday, March 20, 2020
    Stream D (4:00-5:45pm)Sheraton - Columbus A

    • Epic Novels of Agrarian Change in Peruvian and Bengali Fiction
      Nick Millman, University of Pennsylvania

    • Mestizaje's Foundry: Debt, Race, and Utopian Socialism in Nicolás Pizarro Suárez´s El monedero
      Jaime Hanneken, University of Minnesota Twin Cities

    • Carceral Racializations under Settler Colonial Capitalism
      Jennifer Wang, Middlebury College

    • Extractive Modernity at Large
      Eli Jelly-Schapiro, University of South Carolina

  • Saturday, March 21, 2020
    Stream C (2:00-3:45pm)Sheraton - Columbus B

    • Racial Capitalism and Social Difference in Modern China
      Jeremy Tai, McGill University

    • Afro-Asian Solidarity in Print: Robert F. Williams, Mao's China, and the Formation of an Internationalist Public Sphere
      Zifeng Liu, Cornell University

    • The Production of Living Death Under Racial Capitalism
      Neelofer Qadir, University of North Carolina Greensboro

    • The Settler Cosmopolitics of the South African Gandhi
      Micheal Rumore, The Graduate Center, CUNY

  • Saturday, March 21, 2020
    Stream D (4:00-5:45pm)Sheraton - Columbus B

    • "One of the best schemes possible": Race, Caste, and the "Coolie" in the Caribbean
      Najnin Islam, Colorado College

    • 'Stories Women Carry': Reproducing the Global
      Subhalakshmi Gooptu, University of Massachusetts Amherst

    • 'Like Crabs in a Sack Clambering Over Each Other': Indentured Labor and Slavery in David Dabydeen's The Counting House 
      Amrita Mishra, The University of Texas at Austin

    • Two Paths for the Historical Novel: On the Necropolitical Intimacies of Amitav Ghosh’s Oceanic Fictions
      Avni Sejpal, Villanova University

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to Feb 18

Oceanic Circularities: The Indian Ocean in the Modern World

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Literary Aesthetics of Relation and Creolization in the Indian Ocean
Chair: Firat Oruc (Georgetown University, Qatar)

Michelle Decker (Scripps College): “Al-Inkishafi,” Swahili Poetic Form, and the Indian Ocean Imaginary 
Emmanuel Bruno Jean-Francois (Pennsylvania State University): Creolized Geographies, Entangled Histories: The Mascarene Region and the Intersecting Stories of the Indian Ocean World
Mervat Hatem (Howard University): Literary Construction of the Indian Ocean for the Reform of Dynastic States/Communities vs. the Colonial Construction of Modern National Communities in `A’isha Taymur’s Work of Fiction
Ananya Jahanara Kabir (King’s College, London): Transoceanic Circularities and Creole Indias: Ari Gautier’s Pondicherry Novels
Neelofer Qadir (University of North Carolina, Greensboro): Spectral Labor

Full conference details

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10:15 AM10:15

MLA 2020: Graduate Student Mentoring, a Roundtable

  • Washington State Convention Center, Skagit 5 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
MLA2020 Seattle.jpg

Co-presented with Dr. Asha Nadkarni in a session sponsored by Modern Language Association’s Committee on the Status of Graduate Students in the Humanities and Delegate Assembly Organizing Committee

That women of color are precluded from the normative image of “professor” ought to be unsurprising. How, then, can early career woman of color scholars support their graduate students of color? In their short presentation, Dr. Asha Nadkarni (now associate professor at University of Massachusetts Amherst) and Dr. Neelofer Qadir (recent PhD beginning a tenure­-stream position at University of North Caroline at Greensboro in Fall 2019) will discuss their mentor-­mentee relationship with a specific focus on what it means to mentor and be mentored in a community of women of color.

Their conversation will focus on hurdles such as the opacity around the profession’s expectations of advising relationships, and of women of color graduate students and faculty members in general. They will explore the mentoring challenges that Asha has faced and the models she has found useful (such as mutual mentoring cohorts), as well as the isolation that Neelofer confronted early in her graduate studies (being ‘conditionally accepted’), her issues with managing committee members through the exams stage, and the disproportionately high level of service commitments that accompanied her progress throughout the program. The two will discuss the specific strategies they used as overburdened women of color faculty and graduate students to build an honest relationship that made possible clear communication and allowed for targeted goal setting and structured and unstructured feedback. Finally, they will reflect upon how even though shared identities can be sites of exploitation and violence, they’ve strived to re­shape spaces of overwork into sites of collaboration toward shared intellectual and institutional goals.

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5:15 PM17:15

MLA 2020: Global Black Studies, a Roundtable

  • Washington State Convention Center, Room 616 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
MLA2020 Seattle.jpg

With the rise of interdisciplinary fields such as Global South studies, Indian Ocean studies, and Afro-Asian studies, the primacy of the Black Atlantic paradigm for explaining modern racialization, political economy, and the world system has faced pressure for its focus on a third of the globe. In this session, we seek to bring the rest of the planet into relationship with the Atlantic region to think through the multiple simultaneous dynamics that produced and reproduce the concept of Blackness and its figurative and material practices.

In this regard, we think not only of the global contours of Euro-American imperial projects (both present and past), the multiple relationships between slavery and indenture, and the traffic in bodies in and around the African continent, but also representations of Blackness and carcerality such as the South Asian notion of the kala pani, which denotes both the "black waters" of the ocean, on which enforced migration was understood as a loss of caste status, and the colonial British prison facility (the Kala Pani) on the Andaman Islands (also known as the Cellular Jail). And, yet, because of the deep historical trauma of chattel slavery and the preeminent role of North America in the formation of contemporary political, economic, and cultural domains, the notion of a global Black studies also invites critique for ostensibly sidelining these facts.

Drawing from literary texts as well as works in other genres of creative and social expression, the participants will address the following interrelated questions:

  • How does the prefix "global" alter, expand, or complicate notions and practices of Black studies?

  • Conversely, how does Black study of the world enhance understandings of the global?

Additional questions for the participants to consider will be circulated in the fall, such as the following:

  • What are the temporalities of Blackness, of globality? How do these three terms—temporality, global, Black—inform one another?

  • Has Black studies always been global?

  • What role does literature, traditionally conceived, play in relation to other forms of cultural expression vis-à-vis heterogeneous Black experiences?

  • What theories and praxis prevail, or need to be foreground, in contemporary Black studies? And what are the roles and responsibilities of those in the academy to work with communities beyond their professional institutions?

  • How does Black studies—in its interdisciplinary formation as well as in the different theoretical and methodological approaches it makes possible—inform critiques of disciplinarity and identitarianism, with and against cognate fields such as Asian American studies, African studies, or Caribbean studies (to name a few)? 

Confirmed Participants

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to Sep 23

CFP for Rethinking Racial Capitalism: Labor, Caste, and Dispossession (ACLA 2020)


Co-organized with Nick Millman (UPenn) and Dr. Najnin Islam (Colorado College)

This seminar examines racial capitalism as a global phenomenon hinged on long, connected histories of dispossession and labor across diverse geographies and time periods. We take inspiration from Cedric Robinson’s pioneering Black Marxism, which emphasizes the tendency for capitalism “not to homogenize but to differentiate– to exaggerate regional, subcultural, and dialectical differences into racial ones.” Investigating how capital draws upon internal differences in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean better attunes us to otherwise obscured dynamics within and across the Global South. This view enables us to conceptualize how pre-colonial hierarchies, relatively autonomous systems of commodity exchange and circulation, and unfree labor regimes both interact with a globalizing capitalist mode of production and generate their own racial ideologies. What histories, archives, literatures, and methods can expand the vocabulary for racial capitalism to account for the specificities of diverse contexts? How do we apprehend the relationship between discourses of race, caste, casta and their articulation with labor and dispossession within the contemporary global capitalist order?

We wish to dialogue between foundational theories of racial capitalism and scholarship that complicates familiar genealogies of capitalism and race. Scholars such as Robinson, W.E.B. DuBois, C.L.R. James, and Eric Williams showed how race and capitalism constitute one another. Recent work across disciplines enlarges this perspective. Lisa Lowe, Shona Jackson, Glen Coulthard, Denise Ferreira da Silva, Paula Chakravartty, and Sumit Guha, among others, rethink political economy as entangled with not only race, but also caste, indigeneity, nationality and gender. This is especially illuminating when juxtaposed against earlier, polarized definitions of race, as an invention of scientific & biological thinking in the Atlantic World, and of caste, as an exceptional religious system in South Asia separate from political economy. In contrast, by exploring overlaps between race and caste, and the prevalence of race-thinking in premodern societies and non-European contexts, newer scholarship demonstrates how these different categories fuel capital accumulation and dispossession on a global scale. We strive to build on these conversations, contributing to da Silva and Chakravartty’s claim that the dispossession of racialized subjects from their land and labor is a central, ongoing feature of global racial capitalism.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • primitive accumulation;

  • (post)colonial archives;

  • Subaltern, Indigenous & Peasant Studies;

  • Connected histories across Atlantic, Indian, and/or Pacific Ocean worlds;

  • Indentureship & chattel slavery;

  • comparative studies of race & caste

Send 300-word abstracts & short bio to Nick Millman, nmillman@sas.upenn.edu, Najnin Islam, nislam@coloradocollege.edu, and Neelofer Qadir, n_qadir@uncg.edu

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CFP for a Roundtable: Global Black Studies @ MLA 2020
to Mar 17

CFP for a Roundtable: Global Black Studies @ MLA 2020

How does the prefix "global" alter, expand, or complicate notions and practices of Black studies? Conversely, how does Black study of the world enhance understandings of the global?

300-word sketches of roundtable provocations.

Deadline for submissions: Sunday, 17 March 2019

Sean Kennedy, Graduate Center, City U of New York (kennedy.sean@gmail.com ); Neelofer Qadir, U of Massachusetts, Amherst (nqadir@english.umass.edu )

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to Jan 7

South Asian Literary Association Annual Meeting 2019

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The Indian Ocean and the Past Present of Empire

The primary themes of the panel include reconstructing material histories of imperial settlement in the Global South and the trade in people, goods, and ideas both within South Asia and from outside it and back; analyzing the relationships between forms of unfree labor in the development of racial capitalism and settlement; querying the possibilities for transformative political and economic solidarities in the long wake of Third Worldism; tracing affective relations and anti-normative socialities; and utilizing the aesthetic and the literary as modes, not simply objects, of theorizing.

Dr. Nienke Boer, “Oceanic Tales, Imperial Legacies: Robinson Crusoe in the Indian Ocean”

Sean M. Kennedy, “Corruption: A Pre-History From Fanqui-Town”

Dr. Usha Rungoo, “The Shipping Container and the Human Cargo Ship: Bridging (Neo)Colonial Histories in Amal Sewtohul’s Made in Mauritius”

Neelofer Qadir, ‘Kifa Urongo’: Structures of Unfreedom in Paradise

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9:30 AM09:30

National Women's Studies Association Annual Meeting 2018


Drawing on a broad range of archives – from epistolary exchanges of solidarity to cultural production such as poetry, performance, and novels –  these presentations amplify counter-archives that interrupt the dominant narratives that have coalesced through EuroAmerican colonialisms and its handmaiden, liberalism. Through the multiplicity of these counter-archives, we articulate spaces that center and explore alternative feminist epistemologies. Each paper examines a different form of social activism that exemplifies, reimagines, and/or reinvents narratives that are silenced or ignored in government projects of state formation and capitalist accumulation.

Engaging with sub-theme six’s call to “demand abolition” of contemporary hierarchies of power and for artists to “rehears[e] futures that presently appear impossible,” this panel focuses on the cross-racial solidarities that move us beyond an ascribed set of identities fixed through imperialist discourses. Interrogating both self-representation and an assigned “Othered” status via religious, racial, gendered, and sexualized violences, presenters utilize literary, historical, and ethnographic methodologies to consider the transnational context of archive-building within a far-reaching Black, Latinx, and South Asian diasporas.

Dr. Jamele Watkins, "Performativity of Justice: Solidarity Campaigns with Angela Davis in Europe"

Neelofer Qadir, "Fugitive Archives: Critical Fabulation in Shailja Patel’s Migritude"

Dr. Lauren Silber, "Felt History: Literary Form as Geopolitical Archive in Cristina Garcia’s Dreaming in Cuban"

Samina Gul Ali, "Revolutionary or Terrorist? Fiction as Counter-Archive in Giannina Braschi’s United States of Banana"

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