Neelofer Qadir
Assistant Professor of English and International & Global Studies
Affiliate Faculty in African American and African Diaspora Studies
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Neelofer Qadir is Assistant Professor in the Department of English and the Program of International Global Studies at the University of North Carolina Greensboro. She is also Affiliated Faculty to the Program in African American and African Diaspora Studies, where she co-convenes the Eastern Africa in the Indian Ocean World Research Network. During the 2022-23 academic year, she is on research leave through the supported of a Career Enhancement Fellowship (Institute of Citizens and Scholars; Andrew W. Mellon Foundation).
Currently, Neelofer is working on her first book project, tentatively titled Afrasian Imaginaries: Global Capitalism in Indian Ocean Worlds. The book is an interdisciplinary, multi-sited study that attends to the rich historical and contemporary relationships between African and Asian Indian Ocean communities. By centralizing how multidirectional migrancy figures into histories of global racial capitalism that have otherwise been scripted as narratives of unidirectional migrations, Afrasian Imaginaries seeks to rescript how histories of capitalism have been told.
At UNCG, Neelofer teaches courses on 20th and 21st century literary and cultural studies focusing on Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean; colonialism, postcolonialism, and empire studies; histories of global capitalism; race, gender, and sexuality studies.
Previously, Neelofer has taught literature and composition courses at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and worked at Writing Associate at Amherst College, where in addition to 1:1 consultations, she facilitated an online support group for thesis writers. During AY 2018-19, Neelofer was a research associate in residence at the Five College Women's Studies Research Center.